Dear Friends,
We are now in the '
Navarathri ' festive season. This is called
'Sharan-Navarathri' - occurs in October. There is another
'Vasant-Navarathri' occurs in spring. (we will see about it when we come to spring season).
Now, the first three days from
Paadyami of Aaswajuja (lunar) month are to be filled with devotion to goddess Lakshmi - for the enrichment of physical possessions like wealth, health, roopam, strength, progeny, cattle etc. The second three days are to be filled with devotion to goddess Sarswathi- for the enhancement of intelligence, wisdom, mental maturity and calmness etc. The final three days are to be filled with devotion to goddess Parvathi - for enhancement of spiritual well being, equality towards all, equinamity in pain and sorrow, service to fellow beings etc.
With that, the three sets of Nine night's (Nava rathri) contemplation comes to an end. Night here signifies ignorance. Getting rid of the ignorance through the worship of the above three goddesees (Our inner Self-Supreme) - is dawn. Firstly for physical empowerment, secondly for mental enhancement and finally for spiritual upliftment(moksha/emancipation) - Moksha never means attaining to Swarga or impeachable place in heaven. It is the experience of Bliss or absolute happiness here and here itself and allowing every other being their right to their share of happy living.
The 10th day is
'Vijaya Dasami' - The Dawn (day) of Victory (of Virtue over Vice).
In this context, I present here a slokam that explains the Divine Mother as an embodiment of
'Nava Rasas'.This is the
51 slokam (out of 100) in the
'Soundarya Lahari' - sanskit poetry on the Divine Mother, gifted to mankind by Jagad guru Adi Sankaraachaya. The genius in Adi Sankaracharya, beholds these
Nava Rathris as the nine rasas or the mental modifications of our emotions. He advises us to contemplate on the Divine Mother, the inner Supreme-Self for our self upliftment and ascent on to the dignified pedastal of a true Human Being. Look at this enthralling flow of poetic beauty - The work - non compare.
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