Starting from 10th August I started to mail you one slokam / poem per week along with its crisp purport (bhaavam). These are from our collection - the teachings of great masters of yester years. Please write to me, if you do not want to receive them by any reason or if you have any questions. Hope you will find them interesting and thought provoking. Please share them with like minded friends.
Dr Sarma
Those of you who want to see these poems in your mother tongue, please use Indian Language Converter (ILC) by clicking the link below sothat you can see this in the language of your choice.
The fonts for our various Indian languages are called 'Unicode fonts' and are available by default with Windows XP. Or you may download (only once) form the internet the Unicode fonts for the language of your choice and paste them in your 'fonts folder' accessed through the 'control panel' of your computer. After that, If you copy and paste in ILC left view pane the English script of the slokam below you can see it converted into most of the Indian languages in the right view pane. Of course you need to select the exact page of the language you want to see. You may need to adjust the spellings by slightly altering the English script. For viewing in Telugu, the given English script is exactly correct.
The following slokam is written in Sanskit is by Sri Bhartru Hari - A great poetry on code of human conduct
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